Okay, so over the last year or so, I've been posting these blogs on my MySpace titled, "Rants On Everything Pissing Me Off: Part ___". The blank is where whatever number I am on goes. Normally, these are just stupid and pointless and just let me yell about some stupid trends or people or rules or whatever. However, I wrote one tonight that's slightly different; it's still really rant-ish, but it makes a lot of other points, too, and I kind of tried to make a point in it. I'm not really sure if I did or not...I kind of started out with more "rant-ish" intentions, and then ended up trying to make a point or a lesson or a message in all of it. Really, I'm not quite sure that I even I get what I ended up writing, but I thought it was worth posting here. If anybody reads this; well, I guess you'll have to let me know what you think of it, because honest to gosh, I have no idea anymore what the point of this whole thing was. Maybe you can
tell me. Then again...maybe not. Whatever...here's the blog (be warned - it's
I know what you're all saying: "It's about freaking time you got another one of these out, Caitlin. I was beginning to think that you'd never write another one ever again, and if that were to be the case I think I might just keel over and die." Well, fear not, my lovlies, for I was just inspired to write another one of these darling posts about everyone and everything (but mostly everyone) that's pissing me off right now. This blog, however, is not going to be like my normal ones. I am not going to rant about a bunch of different topics and then just have some type of witty thing to sum it all up. No, this time I'm going to be ranting about one category in particular, and just branch off of that slightly. Why? Because it needs to be done. Badly. And so I'm going to do it, resulting in a slightly different format for my blogs. Note that this doesn't mean that they won't be entertaining and won't contain a point - because they surely will - but this one will have more of a point; a message if you will. And it will be more focused on one particular area. But enough with all of the introduction, right? You want your rant. And you shall have it. Now. So, without further ado then, I give you:
Rants On Everything Pissing Me Off at the Moment: Part 5Let's start at the beginning with what first encouraged me to write this blog, shall we? Freaking gay-arsed douchebag hypocrites. And not just any freaking gay-arsed douchebag hypocrites, oh no. We're talking about a specific type here: stereotypical gothic/emo freaking gay-arsed douchebag hypocrites. Yeah, now you know what I'm talking about. You see, I keep hearing from some of these stereotypical gothic/emo freaking gay-arsed douchebag hypocrites that they, "hate all of the preps," and that, "all of the preps hate me," and, "all of the preps think they're better better than me," and, "all they're concerned about is their appearance." Well guess what? Let me make a few points here about why you retards are being hypocritical. One, you say that you, "hate all of the preps," so really, are you all that surprised that all of these preps really hate you? I mean, it's not like they have nothing to go on. If you hate them, then logically, there's a pretty fair chance that they hate you too. Should you therefore really expect any less? Of course not. If you're not prepared to like someone, don't be prepared for them to like you, stupid. Second, you're complaining about, "all of the preps thinking they're better than you." Well guess what? I'm sure you think you're better than them, too, right? I can't tell you how many countless blogs and rants and profiles I've read where these stupid people write about how much they "hate these preppy people for thinking they're so perfect, when really, they're not, and they think I'm dumb, but I'm really way better than they are because I don't spend $100 on a pair of jeans with holes all over them and are from Abercrombie." You sick, stupid person. Maybe you should take the time to realize that, one, you're doing the exact same thing to them that you claim they're doing to you, and two, that you're making yourself sound like a whiney little four-year-old douchebag. And how about the appearance one - you know, "all the preps are concerned about is their appearance." Well how many of you pansys spend an hour deciding which black t-shirt to wear with your black jeans in the morning, all while trying to put on six pounds of black eye makeup and making sure that you're wearing enough skulls and pentagrams and HIM logos to make you look "dark" enough? Same things, hypocrites. Just because you're putting on black eye makeup instead of brown, or making your hair look all messy instead of "clean-cut and perfect," or because you're putting on Tripp pants or a Morbid Threads skirt instead of ripped jeans or an Abercrombie mini skirt, or you're wearing a Marylin Manson tour shirt instead a Beyonce one - none of that makes any difference. Fact of the matter is, you're doing the exact same thing, just in a slightly modified way. Who cares if someone decides to put on a pink shirt instead of a black one? Nobody. So why should you? Exactly - you shouldn't.
Another thing I keep hearing about is how angry all of the goth/emo/hardcore/punk kids are that there's more and more "preps, jocks, skanks, and whores" that are shopping at Hot Topic. They're all mad because they think that Hot Topic is their store - they're the ones that are "hardcore" and "dark," and all of these little preppy girly-girls and jocks don't know the first thing about what it's like to shop at Hot Topic and to wear the clothing they sell there. They think, "They're all just buying it because it looks cute and because it's trendy, not because they actually like it. They don't know that skulls are not cute, they're dark and hardcore." How do I know this? And how can you be sure that I'm not just making a generalization? Look at half the people's blogs on MySpace - hell, look at the ones just from our school - who are "hardcore kids" and see what they say. Guarantee that at least half of them will mention something along those lines. These stupid people think that all of these preps are destroying the name of Hot Topic. Well, once again, guess what I have to say to all of you douchebags? Grow the f*ck up. Sorry to have to use that word, but honestly, that's what needs to be said. Who cares about where other people shop? How much do you want to bet that the same people that are ranting on these so-called preps that are shopping at Hot Topic and defiling it used to shop at stores like Abercrombie or American Eagle? How about even places like Old Navy or the Gap or Limited Too? It doesn't matter if it was when you were younger or not, the point is, you probably haven't been shopping at Hot Topic all of your life either, which means it doesn't give you the right to say other people can't shop there. Really, who freaking cares where you shop, so long as you get something that you like and it's comfortable? If I'm going to wear something, I don't care where it comes from, so long as it fits, it's comfortable, and I like it. If that means it has to come from American Eagle, so be it. If that means it comes from Hot Topic, good for it. Why does it matter where I - or anyone else - buy something, so long as I like it and I'm going to wear it? It shouldn't, and yet people are making this huge deal about where some people can and cannot shop. It makes me sick...there are so many other things - way more important things - and we're worrying about whether or not someone is qualified to shop at Hot Topic. Give me a break.
Why am I writing about all of this, you might ask? Why am I so bob-gammed passionate about this whole thing, and why have I gone on and on and on about this instead of doing my usual type of a humorous-bashing sort of blog? And why do I keep "hating" on all of these "stereotypical gothic/emo freaking gay-arsed douchebag hypocrites?" The answer is simple: because I used to be like that. Seriously. I'm not going to try to get all sentimental and everything on you now, but what I am going to do is try my best to be honest and blunt. I used to be one of the stereotypical gothic/emo freaking gay-arsed douchebag hypocrites that I've been talking about this whole time: I used to hate all of the preppy people, used to think they all hated me and were plotting against me, used to think that all they cared about were their looks when in reality I was the same way, and used to think that all of these so-called "preps" thought that they were better than me, when in fact I believed that I was better than them. I even used to get mad at all of the "preps" I saw shopping at Hot Topic, because I didn't believe that they deserved to be there. And, fact of the matter is, I still sometimes feel this way about some of the aforementioned things. However, I have gotten way, way better about it, because I've realized that it's all just stupid and hypocritical, and that it all made me sound like a whiney little four-year-old and, quite plainly, a jackass. I've learned that it doesn't matter where someone shops or what they wear or any of that - all that matters is what you want, and what you're comfortable with. Think that all of the preps are out to get you? Well, good for them. Why should you care? If you've got your own group of friends, then why worry about what other people that you don't even talk to think? That's the point - you shouldn't. If you truly don't care about what other people think, then you'll have no reason to judge others either. I know I'm sounding like a hypocrite now too, because in every single one of these rants that I do on here I make fun of goth kids or emo kids or, hell, even slash lovers, and really, I'm just being stupid and judging them when I don't want the same done to me. But, in all seriousness, most of that is just done in fun. Sure, I think it's stupid that some of the emo kids wear pants that are four sizes too small for them, and that the goth boys wear more makeup than I do, and that the slash lovers get off on reading about Harry and Snape doing each other, but really, I'm sure those same emo kids think it's stupid that I wear pants that fit, those goth kids that I don't wear that much makeup, and those slash lovers that I think het pairings are cool. So who cares?
Honestly, I have no idea what this blog is about anymore, and frankly, I don't care anymore. I'm tired, and I need to get up at 4:00 in the morning to go to work. I'm not going to bother editing this blog at all because I'm too lazy to do it right now, so if this doesn't make sense, blame it on that. Maybe all this is is just me ranting about stupid stuff I can't change and can't control, and maybe nobody understands what in God's name it is I'm trying to get across or talk about here. Maybe everyone reading this now is letting out a collective, "WTF?!" because they have no idea what it is I'm trying to say or think that this was a waste of time. Maybe some people think this is stupid because it's not one of my normal witty, obnoxious, pointless blogs about nothing and yet everything, and maybe they think they want the last five minutes of their life back, or however long it took them to read this. Maybe I'm the retarded one for starting this thing, and maybe I'm stupid for thinking that I was going to be different this time and actually try to make a point and change the way someone thought. Maybe I'm be stupid for making that last sentence sound like I want to be pityed, because maybe, I don't really want that at all and that came out in completely the wrong way and all I really wanted was to make a point. But maybe, just maybe, somebody got what I was talking about, and maybe they understand my point. Or maybe I'm just retarded and need to go to bed so that I can get up in the morning and laugh at how utterly stupid and pointless this entire blog was. Maybe...
We'll just have to see what happens with all of the maybes, won't we?
(I don't know if you care or not, but to read the rest of the blogs in the series, check out my
MySpace. Or, if you don't have one, click the following pictures - I tried making them into jpeg files so that you could still view them. I promise they're not as weird or depressing or just downright odd as this one was. In fact, they're quite comical, if I do say so myself. And I do.)
Part 1
"And I have felt the same as you/I've felt the same as you/I've felt the same"
~ Simon, Lifehouse