Book/Movie/Album Rants and Reviews
I've read a few books, bought a few albums, and watched a few movies/shows since my last post, so I will talk about them now. Let's get a move on, shall we?
Inkspell by Corneila Funke - Hooray for Inkspell, the second book in the Inkheart trilogy! This was...amazing, for lack of a better word. I can't say whether or not it was better than the first one, because you really can't compare the two, but holyfreakingcrap it was good. I'm not going to really say anything about it, because doing so will not only give away a bunch of stuff in this book, but will complete ruin the first book, Inkheart. Just...read it. For Bob's sake, read this darned book.
Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory, The Once and Future King by T.H. White, Idylls of the King by Alfred Tennyson, and Camelot (the musical) by Merlin knows who - We read all of these in English at the beginning of the year. Okay, so we really only read all of Idylls of the King and Camelot, and only read sections of Le Morte D'Arthur and The Once and Future King, but still, I really enjoyed all of them. It was interesting to compare the different writing styles of all of the books - one was very high-spirited about war, one was very "Christian," one was highly comical, and one was very brutal and "knightly." I thought it was really interesting trying to compare all of the stories to one another, and finding the things that had had in common and the things that were completely different. All of them were actually very good, and if you're into the whole Arthurian legend thing, these are must reads.
Antigone by Sophocles - Another play that we read in English earlier this year. This was a big shocker for me, because I, despite being a huge mythology buff and lover all things Greek in that category, hated this play. I found Antigone to be unbearably annoying and thick and big-headed in this, and she really just bugged me and completely turned me off from the story. I liked the overall message and idea behind it, but I didn't like the way it was carried out. I realize that Antigone's pride was supposed to be her hubris in the play, but even so - it was just completely and utterly obnoxious to me, and it made me hate her - and the play - with a burning, firey passion. Don't read this - you might vomit.
Wicked Forest by V.C. Andrews - I don't know if I mentioned this one in an earlier post, but since I'm too lazy to check, I'm just going to put it in here anyway. This was the second book in the Debeer's Family series, and the sequel to Willow. This book was just as good as the first, if not better. I loved the way that you never knew what exactly was going to happen, and how everything that did happened surprised you. The whole marriage thing between Thatcher and Willow (the BAD marriage thing, mind you), what happened to Willow's mother, the thing with Willow and her professor, and what ended up happening to Linden - holy. Crap. Everything was just...just...wow. That book had so much packed into it, especially at the end. I did start reading the third one, but have yet to finish it. I need to make time for it, because if the first two were any indication, this one will be amazing. I don't want to say much for fear of giving things in this book and the last one away, but again, wow... Read these books - and any other books by V.C. Andrews - because they are amazing.
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo - Again, I'm technically not finished with this book, but I'm supposed to have it done before break, so I'll just put some stuff up for what I've read. This is another book we're reading for English, and holy crap, this is another fantastic book. Hugo's mix of romanticism and realism are amazing in here - he'll be making something seem so sweet and flowery and happy and just good, and then - BAM! - you're shoved right back down with something blunt and realistic and just...raw. He is able to convey emotion so well in this book, too - I can't tell you how sad the entire book of Cosette made me. The way he makes you feel in this book is amazing - there's so many different emotions that you experience while reading this book, and they all just hit you like a bag of bricks right in the face. Yay, that hard. And the way that he weaves everything together - ohemgee! He'll introduce something or someone to you at one point in the book - perhaps just briefly mention it - and you're like, "WTF? What did he bother putting that in for?" and then, a few chapters or books later, said character or thing will all of a sudden come back and have this huge role, and you're eyes will get all wide and you'll be like, "Holy shite, that's why he mentioned it earlier!" I love it. I'm not even done with it yet, and I love it.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Yes, we've made it to the movies. I'm sure you've all seen this by now, so let me just say that, despite the fact that, apart from Jill, everyone I know hated this movie, I loved it. It was NOT too long, it was NOT too predictable, and the ending did NOT suck. I am anxiously awaiting the third movie. Also, Johnny Depp was still horrendously good-looking in this, as in every other movie. Nuff sed.
Night at the Museum - Went and saw this for free with Trent last night since he works at AMC, and it would have been worth it even if I would have had to pay. It was that good. This movie was hilarious, and had a lot of really funny jokes and lines and actions in it that were just dumb, random humor. Mickey Rooney, who played Gus, had the best nicknames for Ben Stiller, who starred as Larry, the main character in the movie. The best by far was when he called him "lunchbox." I have now started using that word. :) One of the best lines was said by Owen Wilson, who played Jedidiah, to Steve Coogan, who played Octavius, which was, "I'm not gonna quit on you!" LAWL. I almost peed my pants, and was by far laughing the loudest in the theater. Of course, that could have been because a lot of the people in the theater were either younger kids or parents, most of which probably weren't familiar with Brokeback Mountain. I myself have actually yet to see the movie, but being in High School, I have a line-by-line account of pretty much the whole thing anyway. :) Seriously though, go see this movie while it's still in theaters. It's well worth it.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ben bought me a four-disc DVD set for Christmas, which includes every episode of the show, plus both of the movies. WHOO-HOO! I have yet to watch either of the movies, and still have maybe eight or so episodes left, but holy crap, you must watch this series. I don't care if you like anime or not, this show will blow your brains out of the back of your head. It is by far one of the best animes ever. It's highly intelligent, yet still comical and has classic anime aspects to it. Good theme song, too. :) The only thing that I cannot stand is the character Asuka, but she doesn't come in until about a third of the way into the series, so I can deal with her. Still, she's a poopbrick. But other than that, this series r0xorz mah s0x0rz. Watch it.
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars series - Trent loaned me these, and holy crapola, this is by far the best Sailor Moon series ever. It was only released in Japanese, so it's all subtitled, but it's still SOOOOO good! The transformations are awesome, the classic characters are a million times cooler, the Starlights are sweet, the animations are great, and the fight scenes are hardcore. Overall, it's a top notch series. Oh, and since it's the Japanese version, Uranus and Neptune aren't cousins anymore, if you catch my drift. ;) That parts pretty comical, especially since they're not shy about it at all. And Usagi and Seiya - good Lord, never, NEVER have I been a fan of slash, but I can't help but feel that the two of them are made for each other. Besides, it's not like it's Moon and Fighter - I'm literally talking about Usagi and Seiya, so that's still kind of okay, right? Right. I can't help it - the two of them are so CUTE together!! At first I was like, "WTF?! Hello, DARIEN!!" But now I'm thinking that I like Seiya a little bit better. CrAzY! But yeah... Fan of Sailor Moon? Watch this. You'll be an even bigger fan after doing soon. Evem if you're not a Sailor Moon fan - or, again, an anime fan at all - watch this series. It's well worth it.
Sailor Moon R: The Movie; The Promise of the Rose - Awww, this one was cute...it made me feel all squishy inside. :) I especially loved the flashbacks to their childhoods with the little chibi Serena and Darien. They were uber-cute! Parts of it were a bit cheesy though, such as the beginning. And the end. :P I thought that the ending was way drawn out when they were flying back towards earth, and, again, really cheesy. Especially with the alternate version where they played "The Power of Love." Overall, good movie, especially with the squishy moments in it, but Super S: The Movie was better. Now I just need to see S: The Movie. Hmph.
The Open Door, Evanescence - I know I ranted about this before, and pretty much said I hated it, but I beginning to like it more and more now. The videos are pretty good, too... And I finally bought a copy of it this week with one of my Target giftcards. Hooray. I will rant more about it once I have decided that I love it.
Well, I believe this is the longest blog ever, and since I have spent about an hour and a half trying to compile it and it's already a billion and two words long, I should probably quit. Also, I still have to clean my room. And sleep. Don't forget that. :P
~ Good Enough, Evanescence