Who's locker is next to you:
I don't know...nobody important, most likely.
-Are you usually on time to 1st period?:
Everyday, biotches.
-Full size or small sized locker?:
Small. :P
P E R I O D 1
-Who sits behind you?
Sarah Flynn
-What class is it?
Honors English
-Who's your teacher?
Ms. Holle
-Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
This class? No. Every other class? ...Yeah probably.
P E R I O D 2:
-What class is it?
College Prep Chemistry, otherwise known as the bane of my existance.
-Who sits to your left?
Mary Pheng (is h0tt)! :)
-Are you failing this class?
No way Jose!
-Is this your favorite class?
...See the first question.
-Who do you sit in front of?
...Erm, Jeremy, I think...?
P E R I O D 3 :
-What class is it?
Honors math
-Is your best friend in this class with you?
Why yes Ariel Nicole Keeton is in this class with me! *MUAH!*
-Do u hate someone in this class?
Hate is such a strong word... However, if you're talking about disliking someone with an awesome, fangoriously large, gelatinous, all-consuming fire-y passion, then yes, yes I do.
P E R I O D 4:
- What class is it?
AP World History
-What do you do during 4th period?
Take notes, watch videos, laugh at Mr. Tabor's stupid jokes, and bug Nancy and Ashley. Good times...
-Anyone you want to shoot during 4th period?
Shoot is such a strong word... However, if you're talking about wanting to cause complete bodily harm by gauging someone's eyes out with your thumbs and ripping their intestines out with a fork and then kicking them in the teeth really hard in a completely friendly, loving way, then yes, yes there is.
-is 4th period your fav class?
Nope. Sorry, Mr. Tabor...
P E R I O D 5
-what is this class?
French II
-who is your teacher?
Madamoiselle Laboe
-is it your favorite?
Err...no...to be honest, I have a lot of friends in that class, which is nice, but since I am incessantly talking to said friends, I have become pretty terrible at French, hence making it one of the subjects I don't care for as much.
P E R I O D 6
-who sits next to you?
Erm...I'm on the side, but the six people that sit around me are Taylor something-or-other, Bryce something-or-other, James Olson, Katelyn Mithun, and Molly Opitz.
-what class is it?
-do you like your teacher?
Oh good Lord no. I can only be blunt on this one.
-Do you have any sports?
Nope...I became lazy after eighth grade and quit basketball after seven years of playing it.
Nope. Can't be in theater anymore because of work, and there's no more newspaper...wow, I am lazy.
-Do you do your homework right away?
Never. Procrastination is key.
"I'm lower than most animals and fear what might be weird
And all those voices in my head have every right to be there"
~ I Hate Jimmy Page, Mindless Self-Indulgence
And all those voices in my head have every right to be there"
~ I Hate Jimmy Page, Mindless Self-Indulgence
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