It's for a lady at my work. She gave me that picture with her and her mom (and her sisters? I'm not really sure who the two in front are), and the recipe card which her mom wrote out with a "Recipe for Happiness." Since her mother passed away, she wanted a way to display her card and the picture together, so she gave them to me to try to just throw something together on the computer (actually, she gave them to me last spring, and it's taken me this long to finally sit down and do it, which I feel really awful about :P). I was originally just going to do a simple thing with the picture and recipe card on a pretty background that I made, but then I came up with the idea to do a digital scrapbook page instead, and thus, the picture you see above came into being.
I'm really proud of it, because it's the first digital scrapbook page I've done, and I think it turned out rather well. I downloaded a free digital scrapbook pack from Shabby Princess (), and then just went ot work putting this together. It's mostly a bunch of layering and careful erasing and editing and screening and such, but again, I think it turned out rather nice, and it's a lot more in-depth than I was planning on getting (though I owe that to her for keeping this thing for so long). So yes, I feel very productive, and I'm excited to give it to her tomorrow and to see what she thinks. :)
In other, more embarrassing and quite dangerous news, because I was so focused on making her this digital scrapbook page, I completely forgot that I left a pot with water to boil on the stove for making some mac n cheese, and as such, I now have one wrecked kettle that I'm going to have to throw away. Frankly, I'm just glad the thing didn't start on fire and burn the house down, because all of the water completely evaporated and it was slowly burning away the non-stick stuff on the inside of the kettle and completely scorching the bottom brown. That's the first time I've ever been that distracted (and retarded) and left something on in the kitchen like that. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've burned a few things because I've gotten a bit absentminded, but I've never left anything on THAT long, to the point that I completely wreck something and, again, threaten to almost start a fire/burn down the house. I'm pretty sure I get the moron award of the day - maybe even month - for that one. :P
Anywhoozle, I guess that's all. Pray that I don't do the same thing as I attempt to make my mac n cheese again now, and, on a lighter note, that Sue B. likes her thing I've made her. :)
"But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me
When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me"
-It's All Coming Back to Me Now, CĂ©line Dion
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