Sunday, March 07, 2010

I used to rock and roll all night and party every day. Then it was every other day... now I'm lucky to find half an hour a week in which to get funky.

I am totally a pretentious music snob. With the exception of my brother, I am completely convinced that I listen to better music than anyone I know. Generally, if there's one thing that I get really irritated at with the people I know, it's when they listen to terrible, awful music and sit there and think that it's the shit, when it obviously isn't. I also hate when you ask someone what kind of music they like, and they go, "I love everything!" when, by "everything," they actually mean "everything on Top 40 Radio." In contrast, I also hate people who go, "Top 40 Radio is shit, I only like cool indie stuff!" and pretty much think that they're the shit because they listen to underground, non-conformist, indie/rock/etc music, when in reality, they listen to some of the most mainstream of these genres, like Modest Mouse or Iron and Wine or something. On a similar note, I hate how emo/metal/scene/etc kids are like, "ALL OTHER MUSIC SUCKS - METAL IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO AND LYK OMG IT'S SO GR8!" when in reality, most music associated with emo/metal/scene/etc kids is usually some of the shittiest of all. I hate how close-minded some people are when it comes to music, because in my opinion, music, like any other form of art, is something that you really can't be close-minded about. And, I hate how everyone and their mom seems to think they can make music - and good music at that - when 99% of the trendy 13 year old tards that start MySpace pages for the music they make with their Rock Band mic and a shitty, ten year old copy of Acid on the computer in their parents basement makes my ears bleed and makes me feel like my organs are being harvested from my still-alive body while a small child pukes in my mouth.

Yes, I am a totally pretentious music snob, and one who's not afraid to tell you that you listen to shitty music. I guess that might make me a little close-minded too, but you know what? I don't give a shit. The point is, I listen to better music than you.

End of rant.


"What's the worst thing, that could happen
We find out that we don't quite fit
But on the flip side, we could be just right
And sure there's the chance
That we'll both end up broken and split
But that's my kind of risk

I'm not trying to make you think
This is some kind of great big deal
I just know exactly how you feel"
-First Person, Jenny Owen Youngs